MAY I, for the sake of historical accuracy, correct the impression that the Falmouth Merchant Navy Association applied for the Freedom of Falmouth subsequent to the USA 29th Division being awarded this honour.

Nothing could be more inaccurate.

As secretary of the branch I originally applied for this honour to the previous incumbent of the post of town clerk - Mr Bob Blezzard on May 24, 2002. I received his reply on July 3, 2002 informing me that he would be taking the matter up with Carrick district council on our behalf. I do have his reply in my files to prove this.

I write for the purpose of historical accuracy to point out that this is the second application by our members for due recognition of the sacrifices made by the Merchant Navy and most certainly was not made on the backs of the American award.

One further thing that has been requested before is the installation of a flagpole adjacent to the war memorial in Kimberley Park, so that the appropriate flag can be hoisted to commemorate Armistice Day and also flown at other services that are held throughout the year to enable due respect to the fallen to be paid!

Surely it is not asking too much for the personnel who paid the ultimate sacrifice to be remembered once a year under the flag for which they laid down their lives.

Having worked in various towns and cities throughout this country and abroad I can honestly say that Falmouth must be one of the few towns in this realm not to have such a facility. I do not make this request only for the Merchant Navy, but also for all other ex-service organisations of which I happen to be a member of.

Mr J Bernard (branch secretary the Merchant Navy Association), Longfield, Falmouth