THERE was plenty of fundraising in and around the Yeovil area last Friday in aid of the annual Children in Need charity drive.

Schools, companies, pubs and individuals all got involved in the fun to raise money for Children in Need which was this year celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Westfield Community School in Yeovil was one of many in the area to hold a 'non-uniform day' with the theme of 'heroes and villians' and raised over £900.

A life-size cuddly bear was seen parading outside the Safe and Sound nursery in Preston Road collecting money from passers-by.

Staff at Sara's Dairy in the Borough area of Yeovil all dressed as naughty schoolgirls to raise some money, while it was a similar scenario at Perfections hair salon where they not only dug out their old school uniforms but also washed cars to coin in the cash.

A 24-hour darts marathon took place at the Brewers Arms in South Petherton where volunteers played darts from 7pm on Friday evening to 7pm the following day. Even Yeovil Town FC's Jolly Green Giant turned up to support the event and managed to throw a couple of arrows.

Yeovil MP David Laws leant his support to the ever-popular Children in Need day by visiting the headquarters of Screwfix Direct where call centre staff received dozens and dozens of phone calls from people wanting to pledge money.

But the fundraising was not restricted to just last Friday.

A sponsored car wash took place at the Birchfield Hall in Yeovil on Sunday to help boost funds further for Children in Need.