THIS summer up and down the country a host of exhibitions, events, races, regattas and concerts are being held as part of the Sea Britain Festival. The festival commemorates the achievements of Lord Nelson on the 200th anniversary of his death, the news of which first officially arrived in Britain with The Pickle at the port of Falmouth.

Falmouth Art Gallery's contribution is a lively exhibition entitled Passing Ships, which includes major works by Walter Langley, Norman Garstin, Harold Harvey, Samuel Lamorna Birch, Henry Scott Tuke, Alfred Wallis, Charles Pears, Henry Moore, Peter Lanyon, David Cross and Sir Terry Frost.

One of the stars of the show is a large oil painting entitled Running for Home by Charles Napier Hemy RA RWS 1841-1917. The picture, showing a working sail boat speeding for home before bad weather arrives, was painted by Hemy for a collector in Canada, and remained in that country until very recently. This is the first time it has been publically exhibited in Falmouth and is proving extremely popular.