A SPECIAL project developed to rectify problems of anti-social behaviour faced by the residents of a housing estate in Redruth has been officially opened.

Cornwall county council and Helping Hands Residents' Association held an opening ceremony for the North Close Estate Home Zone in Redruth on Friday.

County councillor Stephen Barnes performed the honours at 3pm which was attended by representatives of the funding bodies, participating organisations and members of the local community.

Mr Barnes said: "It is an honour to open this scheme which has taken place due to the efforts of the Helping Hands Residents' Association. They should be very proud." In January 2002, the Government announced the North Close Estate had been successful in its application for funding through the Home Zone Challenge Fund. It was one of only 61 successful bidders with £460,000 being awarded. The county council also made a contribution to the scheme.

(Full story in this week's Packet)