HOW much longer do the people of Pool have to wait to have something done about traffic parking on the pavements outside the shops in the village?

On Sunday a car reversing onto the pavement knocked down an elderly lady. Thank goodness it was not critical, it could have been! We have been trying to get railings or bollards put on the pavements to stop this for far longer than I can remember.

Has someone to be killed or seriously injured before anyone will take notice of the situation? Mothers are having to go out into the roads with their pushchairs putting lives at risk.

A while ago a petition was handed into the county council for a pelican crossing, which is badly needed. This has not happened either.

We want our pavements for feet and wheels should be on the road, sooner rather than later. This is a serious situation and needs looking into, now! Soon there will be lots more traffic with the new Tesco opening, so you can see how urgent it is to get this problem solved for the people of Pool.

Coun Mrs Joan Dunstan (address supplied)