I STUDIED with a degree of dj vu the remarks of the chief executive of the South West Chamber of Commerce, that Exeter Airport had an opportunity to develop a "niche role" whilst Bristol Airport developed "another way" as a result of the potential acquisition of Exeter by Bristol.

Devon seems to be up in arms over these suggestions. Perhaps they can now have some sympathy for those in Cornwall for whom the "niche" mantra means an awful lot more miles driving to and from Exeter Airport than Exeter to Bristol Airport.

Meanwhile Newquay Airport continues under a real threat as the Royal Air Force prepares to pull out. There is still no support, despite Objective One funding, for a new larger terminal that is necessary to produce enough revenue to finance the best airfield in the South West of England. I only hope that Air South West's decision to sell all inclusively priced tickets is not a precursor to an airport tax for passengers at Newquay. Most airlines would find this an unacceptable precedent.

We could then be right back to the bad old days of pre-low cost flying at Newquay Airport. If the remarks about taxing aviation as a priority by the Lib Dem member of the Question Time panel are anything to go by, then the ruling party in Cornwall will not be striving officiously to make the necessary expansion to save our airport.

James Currie, county councillor, Conservative group leader