THE headteacher of a school affected by structural concerns said “something extraordinary has happened” after a fundraiser reached £30,000.

Mark Woodlock has thanked the community for the help they provided to The Blue School in Wells after a structural study uncovered “significant cracking amongst all the concrete floors”.

Mr Woodlock said: “Something extraordinary has happened. Beyond the experiences that I have had in the 12 years serving as a headteacher. Beyond the expectations that I think we hold of what can be achieved.

“As I write, the figure currently generated on the Just Giving page is a mind-blowing £28,265.

“By the time I finish the letter, it will be more and by the time you read this, it will no doubt have burst through the target of £30,000.

“All of this in just four days. I happen to know that this is only part of it. We have already had additional pledges of support from businesses, charities, and individuals outside of the Just Giving page that take it further.

“More is to come in the form of non-uniform days at our local primaries and at The Cathedral School, fundraising events, and further applications for grants.

“Your generosity has given hope and that is a remarkably precious commodity.

“It is worth adding that we have already started the planning for what we may use any additional funds for, above those needed for the canopy.

“We can create a new food outlet to lower the queue in Bailey, remodel the outside space around Milton with more seating, and rehouse the closed weights room.

“You have my assurance that any monies raised will be spent directly on enhancing the student experience.

“In a time when their working lives have been made much more difficult, you have helped to give them a reason to keep moving forward.

“Finally, I hope that you reflect upon what this means for yourselves and those around you.

“As so many of you have said, this says something quite extraordinary about the strength of this community.

“I must add a particular thank you to Rachel Sherman for starting this domino race.

“She’ll modestly defer to others, but I think she should be justly proud of mobilising our community in this way.

“It is about seven years since I was interviewed for this role at The Blue. Being interviewed over three days, you’re asked lots of questions from many different people.

“Funnily enough, nobody ever asked what you would do if there were a national lockdown, or you lose a close member of staff, or your buildings started falling down.

“These things are presumed not to happen. We could measure the success of our school through those challenging times in the amazing results our students have continued to obtain.

“Or we could look at the accolades from the likes of Ofsted or SIAMS. However, we all know it is more than that, much more than that.

“I have so desperately wanted this community to feel proud of its school. We are the school of Wells and this area, and we belong to this community.

“That is a feature that is so hard to measure. Until this moment. A parent wrote to me in the summer after the trauma of the first lockdown in 2020.

“Her words have stayed with me from that time and seem appropriate to repeat here.

“Can I just say thank you all, although that is nowhere near enough.”