A PUBLIC consultation is seeking people’s thoughts about the number of diesel generators needed to construct the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station.

Somewhat ironically, EDF says it needs the diesel generators because there is 'limited access to electricity at the Hinkley C construction site'.

With work moving around the site, the generators will not be fixed in any location.

However because the number of generators requires passes the threshold for 'combined rated thermal input', EDF now require a permit from the Environment Agency.

An Environment Agency spokesman said: "The Environment Agency has a duty to control certain activities which could harm the environment or human health.

"If the permit is granted we may need to include standard conditions to control the emissions to air from the diesel generators to protect the environment."

A report by Bureau Veritas which had been commissioned by EDF looks at the potential impacts on air quality if the permit is approved.

The report measured the potential impact of emissions generated on 'human receptors' and 'ecological receptors'.

Bureau Veritas conclude that in terms of the impacts on humans: '"All results are within the relevant assessment metrics for all pollutants, therefore there are no exceedances expected, and as a consequence human health effects associated with the HPC construction phase are not considered to be significant."

However in terms of ecological receptors, there were a 'small number' of exceedances expected for concentrations for nitrous oxide.

But, the report concludes: "It is expected that the flushing effect of the tides within the Severn Estuary will negate any impacts of nitrogen or acid deposition and nitrous oxide."

You can view the permit application, together with the supporting documents, and submit your comments here or via email to: pscpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk, quoting the application number in any correspondence.

The deadline for responses is June 17, 2020.

The Environment Agency will then review all the comments received before making its final decision on whether or not to grant the permit.