ROYAL Cornwall Hospital’s maternity services are moving forward after becoming the first in the country to use eObservations.

The Wheal Fortune ward has begun using electronically recorded observations, making them the first maternity ward to do so, using technology developed by Nervecentre.

Following a review of the current maternity model, Mary Julyan and Karen Stoyles, senior midwives; alongside consultant Dr Aylur Rajasri and eHealth nurse specialist, Tamzin Elford, looked at the requirements needed with the supplier. After extensive training and support, the launch in Wheal Fortune went live.

Dr Rajasri said: “eObservations is an innovative idea, in which it improves patient safety by allowing recording, assessment and escalation promptly and this is hugely beneficial for patient safety, allowing patient assessment, escalation and communication in a slick, consistent way.

“I am proud that all my colleagues and the staff here have taken the change positively, engaged in the process and have made this a huge success.”

Tamzin and Pete Gray, a fellow eHealth nurse specialist, and Elizabeth Anderson, medical device training officer, were present at the launch in Wheal Fortune. Nurse consultant, Fraser Underwood, who has overseen the project, ensured availability of all the devices and support for embedding the system.

The system introduction has been proven successful with midwives, who have embraced the change from paper observation charts for their mums. Sister, Mairead Archard, said: “We have eagerly anticipated this change and look forward to our newborn observations being implemented, making us a paper-free ward for observations.”