Falmouth's community radio station Source FM is paying people £1 to attend its AGM in Kimberley Park this Saturday between 10am and 1pm. However there is a catch, you have to spend the £1 in a local charity shop to buy something that tells the other guests of the AGM something about you that they don’t already know.

The AGM is a chance to celebrate the seven years of broadcasting that Source FM has already achieved and to look ahead to the future of the station.

Source FM has recently been given £7,000 of Big Lottery funding from Awards for All to undergo a rebrand and it is currently in the middle of a stakeholder consultation process. Station manager, Matthew Rogers, said: “I wanted to find a way to encourage Source FM’s presenters and stakeholders to attend the AGM and to tell us something about who they are and why they are involved with the station. This will help us to describe the existing Source FM community to the company who is doing the re-design.”

The AGM is open to everyone, however if you would like to stand for election to the executive board or vote for the next member to be elected, then you must be a fully paid up member of the company, which can you can do at thesourcefm.co.uk/Members. Source FM also has an online questionnaire it is asking the public to complete at surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CZ8LY3J, as part of the consultation process.