THESE shocking images show a reckless act of trespass which could have endangered lives on the West Somerset Railway.

Safety experts have condemned the ‘stupid’ actions which took place near Dunster Station during the weekend’s Autumn Steam Gala.

Adam Ashford, 21, could not believe his eyes when he saw the man and young boy riding down the middle of the tracks on Saturday, and managed to capture it on camera.

He said: “The actions of this man are just sheer stupidity, not only putting himself but also, we can only assume, his son in danger of being hit by a train.

“It doesn't matter whether it is a preserved railway line where trains run at 25mph or the national network where trains run in excess of 100mph, going on any railway line is stupid.

“Had the man thought for even a brief second about what could happen, I'm sure he would have taken an alternative route and not encouraged his son to do something illegal and potentially fatal.”

Railway general manager Paul Conibeare said: “It was a great disappointment to hear about this after a successful gala.

“Here we were in the middle of a gala which nearly 5,000 visitors attended and not five minutes later a train arrived. They were putting their own lives at risk.

“Safety is at the top of our agenda and we take trespass very seriously.

“We don’t know where they accessed the line but there are plenty of points available for a safe crossing.

“While our crews are trained to guide people to the nearest exit if they are found trespassing, drivers are not expecting to see two people down the middle of the track.

“Such behaviour can’t be tolerated on an operational railway – it may be a preserved line but it should be treated with the same respect as a national network line.”

The matter has been reported to the police and anyone who recognises the people involved is asked to contact them by calling 101.

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