STUDENTS at Heathfield Community School are re-launching an Ecuadorian coffee in time for Christmas to help an impoverished South American community.

The youngsters have already raised £1,400 after developing their own coffee imported by Minehead-based DJ Miles.

They have designed all the labels, produced marketing materials and made a video to plug the coffee, which they have been selling for three years.

It is grown on the slopes of the Podocarpus National Park, where the River Amazon meets the Andes.

Co-ordinator Ian Grant said: “Heathfield has developed a close and lasting relationship with a small scale co-operative of only 60 farmers, who, through this unique project, will receive more than the Fair Trade premium for every packet sold.

“Proceeds from every packet will go directly to the local school in Ecuador, helping to buy basics such as tables, chairs, books and pens.

“For every packet sold, we send £1 back to the co-operative.

“Our students are making a difference to a coffee grower and their family’s future.”