A DELEGATION of Chinese health officials arrived in Bridgwater this week to pick up tips on how to cope with soaring numbers of patients with long-term conditions.

Health bosses from Zhejiang met clinical staff and managers from the Somerset NHS referral management centre and the new telehealth technology scheme.

The centre, at Bridgwater Hospital, deals with patients being referred to hospitals across the county and analyses data which shows every patient's visit to hospitals, GP surgeries, and A&E department.

The figures then help staff more accurately predict seasonal and long-term demand pressures on local hospitals and community health services.

During the visit, Bridgwater Hospital matron Jane Beagle explained to the delegation how the telehealth technology, which is being piloted in Bridgwater, is currently helping 100 patients manage their long-term conditions better.

The system checks various bodily functions and if the patient's condition worsens local community matrons will be on hand to help.

NHS Somerset says the scheme has already shown a significant reduction in hospital admissions.