THE thought of going to the gym is enough to bring most people out in a cold sweat, but for one plucky pensioner it’s a passion.

Eighty-one-year-old Frances Gartenfield, from Watchet, has a crooked pelvis, has one leg longer than the other, and suffers from asthma and back problems.

But Frances is determined to keep going because if she didn’t housework would be the only thing she would do, she said.

Frances started attending the gym because of issues with her weight and now attends twice-weekly.

She said: “I don’t always feel like going but I have a good husband who kicks me out the door. It’s a nice release and I get to see my friends – it’s so sociable.

“I feel so good when I’ve done it. It really lifts my spirits.

“If I didn’t get out and about I wouldn’t see anyone – it’s really important for me.”

With sponsorship from the Royal British Legion, Frances attends the sessions for free as her husband was in the 10th Royal Hussars.

The sessions for people aged 50-plus are run by Age Concern Somerset every morning of the week.

For details of Ageing Well classes available, contact Di Ramsay on 0845-6434702 or e-mail

DO you know an older gym-goer than Frances? Call 01823-365104 and let us know about it.