MOST people have suffered during their lifetime a broken leg, arm or finger - but it does not necessarily mean that we all suffer from osteoporosis.

To give you an idea as to what are the main risk factors then look at our checklist below.

A low trauma/impact fracture especially of wrist, spine or hip.

An early menopause before the age of 45 years - either natural or surgical.

A strong family history of osteoporosis/broken bones - a direct relative such as mother or sister who have been affected.

A prolonged spell without menstrual periods other than because of pregnancy.

A prolonged spell of immobility.

Poor nutrition and inadequate intake of calcium in the diet.

A loss of height in conjunction with back pain and the development of a stoop.

Smoking/excess alcohol.

A slight build.

If, however, you are worried that you might possibly be suffering from osteoporosis then help is at hand. First of all talk to your own GP and they might advise you make an appointment to see the Somerset Osteoporosis Service based at Yeovil District Hospital.