AGE Concern in Falmouth took the wheel of a new £35,000 minibus, thanks to a bequest from the Quakers.

The charity was left a legacy of Gyllyng Hall, a Friends' meeting house, four years ago.

The hall was later sold and converted into flats, and now the cash has been used to buy the new minibus.

Senior members of Age Concern Cornwall attended the day centre on Killigrew Street on Thursday to welcome it.

The keys were handed to the charity's Falmouth president, Roger Bowen, by the town's mayor Maureen Davies.

Father Stephen Drakeley blessed the new bus with holy water and said prayers for its safety.

The bus will be used to transport people to and from the day centre, but will also be available for use by the community.

Paul Brinsley, the Age Concern's chief executive in Cornwall, said: "This is the first new vehicle we have been able to purchase since 1994, so we are absolutely delighted."