DEVON and Cornwall Constabulary has conducted a successful first swoop on truants in Cornwall.

The pilot scheme, which is in partnership with schools and local authorities, took place in Newquay on September 25 to combat parent-condoned absence.

Both educational welfare and Devon and Cornwall police officers visited a number of Newquay homes to confirm the reasons for a child's absence from school.

Sergeant Dave Shipwright, who helped to co-ordinate the event, explained: "The selection of Newquay as a location for this pilot was linked with the excellent partnership which exists between the agencies in the town, rather than any serious concern about the rates of truancy in the Newquay schools."

Unauthorised absence in the town is not a serious issue and is known to be a factor in less than one percent of absences, a figure which is in line with other comparable figures in Cornwall and much lower than the national rate.

The exercise was thought to be a great success with very few youngsters being found out of their schools. Further exercises are likely to take place both in Newquay and in other schools throughout the county and these will benefit from the lessons being learned from this pilot.