STUDENTS and staff at West Somerset Community College are celebrating after the school was praised by Ofsted inspectors.

In a report out this week, the inspectors said: "This is a good school with a significant number of outstanding features."

And they described the leadership of the principal, Nick Swann, and his senior team as outstanding'.

Five inspectors spent two days in the college and found some classroom teaching outstanding both in lower years and in the sixth form.

They judged teaching to be good overall, and thought relationships between staff and students were strong, and that the behaviour of students was good.

The governing body also came in for praise for its effectiveness, and inspectors also highlighted the college's "outstanding capacity to improve" because of its high quality of self-review and planning procedures, and its rigorous monitoring of teaching standards.

Martin McNeill, chairman of the governors said: "The inspectors confirmed what we already know: that teachers and support staff, united behind strong leadership, are delivering an impressively high quality of education to the young people of West Somerset."

Mr Swann said: "This glowing report is recognition of all the hard work which has put the college into such a strong position.

"We are proud of our students and we will do everything we can to keep improving our support for them.

"We are introducing plans to raise our standards still further over the coming years so that we can achieve excellence in every single aspect of our work and to broaden our curriculum. "This will help to ensure that all of our students make the most of their potential."