TAUNTON is home to 60,479 residents and the wider Taunton area is home to many more thousands.

We wanted to know what triggers our readers into knowing what makes them tick as a local in Taunton.

So, we posed the question, you know you’re from Taunton when...?

Scores of people gave their feedback and of course there were a fair share of jokes, but many people gave some good examples of what it means to be from Taunton.

To start, Paul Shattock said, you know you are from Taunton “when you're proud of where you come from and defend your town when everyone else sees doom and gloom”.

Sharon Setherton added to that: “You are proud to call Taunton your home even if you now live in London and listen to the traffic problems back home and think at least you can admire some greenery while stuck in a traffic jam!”

However, her point on the traffic would continue to be a common theme.

Catherin James said: “You’re stuck in traffic, morning, noon and night,” and Tracey Coles added: “You're stuck in traffic all the time.”

While we are on the topic of roads, it is worth bringing up Judith Stanford’s point.

She said: “You still refer to The Great Mills roundabout!”

Laura Hogarth-Williams added: “Failed my first test on that damned thing! ‘Gurt Mills’ as the locals called it.”

Moving on to Musgrove Hospital, the place of birth of many people in Taunton.

Hannah Sharland said that’s how she knows she is from Taunton: “When you, your children and your children’s children are born in Musgrove Park Hospital!”

Rachel Clark reminisced over the shops of old: “You reminisce about the ‘In Shops’ (I loved the sticker shop!), Kingston’s, Night Owls. Oh, and your favourite birthday parties were an hour in the small pool then a meal at Poppins!”

And Simon Jacklin brought up the Castle Hotel: “You always wonder why your Wisteria isn't as good as the one at the Castle Hotel.”

Finally, and perhaps most commonly, Simon Booth pointed out the town and county’s love of cider.

He said you know you’re from Taunton when “You have Thatcher’s instead of milk on your cereal.”