AQUASPLASH swimming lessons co-ordinator, Debbie Griffiths, has been handed a bouquet of roses for her dedication.

The plaudit came after ten swimming teachers passed swimming teachers' exams thanks to Debbie's hard work setting up the course and arranging practical learning sessions.

Aquasplash manager, Paul Morgan, who presented the bouquet said: "As a result of this course, ten new level one swimming teachers can provide swimming lessons to children, young people and adults.

"My thanks also go to Hayley Hopkins, Andree Chandler and the course tutor, Liz Stewart."

Cllr Neil Parbrook, responsible for leisure, culture and recreation on pool owner West Somerset Council, added: "Six of the ten teachers are going to help Aquasplash with its swim school.

"As a coastal district, it's great that local people will benefit from the valuable skills the new teachers have learned and are keen to pass on."