AN eco-friendly' affordable housing development at Carhampton has come a step closer after West Somerset Council completed the purchase of the land from the Crown Estate.

The proposed 30 home development at Townsend Farm will be as carbon-neutral as possible to limit its damage on the environment.

It is proposed that 20 of the homes will be affordable homes to rent or buy while ten will be sold on the open market.

Cllr Peter Humber, responsible for housing, said: "This development will be an exemplar for eco-friendly design and sustainable development, and a positive step forward for environmentally sound developments which, we hope, will lead the way for other such projects in West Somerset."

The council is considering transferring the site to a local community land trust, then working with them and the developers, Ecos Trust, to deliver the new homes.

The site was formerly devoted to agricultural use and the development will comprise the conversion of existing barns with sustainable new build homes.

Cllr Keith Ross, leader of the council, said: "The council has a responsibility to help reduce carbon emissions and alleviate climate change.

"We are meeting these challenges by facilitating housing which incorporates low or zero carbon energy sources, and seeks to maximise energy efficiency, conservation and passive solar gains where possible.

"The development will also aim to maximise water efficiency and conservation, minimise construction and household waste, use sustainable construction materials and techniques, and acknowledge the need to build sustainable communities by using local trades people and professionals."