AS well as bringing you all the serious news, we also like to have a bit of fun at the Weekly News - and reporter Becci Heyes has lived up to that tradition.

She has scooped an award for a story that had readers in stitches and also stirred plenty of laughs among the judges.

Her tale of a kit blunder that saw a rugby team's shirts accidentally printed with their waist sizes on the back instead of their numbers raised plenty of chuckles.

Of course, such a mistake would never happen in Taunton - Becci's report appeared on StaffsLive, the student website for Staffordshire University, where she was studying at the time before joining the News.

Her efforts won her the humour category of the 2016 Student Midlands Media Awards, which attracted more than 150 entries from 13 different institutions.

Staffordshire University head of journalism Pete Leydon, course leader for BA journalism, said: “It’s a fantastic achievement, and thoroughly deserved."