The French PWR is already five years behind schedule. I can only hope that Hinkley C progresses at the same rate. By 2029 I don’t suppose I’ll be around to worry about possible accidents or low level radiation leaks or what they (France and China) want to do with spent fuel rods, enriched uranium. They could dump them here or, take them away for re processing for nuclear weapons, either way this toxic waste will be around for hundreds of thousands of years before it is even half as dangerous (and that is still dangerous). If Hinkley never gets completed it will have been a terrible waste of tax payers’ and electricity customers’ money and of the lives of those whose careers and working lives are bound up with it. Meanwhile, the demand for electricity is falling and the case for energy from renewable sources grows ever stronger.

Pat Morley, Labour Bridgwater Town Cllr for Westover