STEVE German, who is standing for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition hopes his words will encourage you to vote for him.


THE Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition was formed by the late Bob Crow and other leading socialists and trade unionists.

We’re officially backed by the Rail, Maritime and Transport union, the Socialist Party and others to give working-class people a voice, providing councillors and MPs who will stand up against the austerity of cuts to services by the Tories, LibDems, Labour Party and Greens.

Why should we pay for the bankers’ crisis that we didn’t cause?

There's plenty of money! We should tax the super-rich and stop corporate tax evasion to reduce the deficit!

The NHS is collapsing under the dead weight of Private Finance Initiative debt. It’s also being fragmented and broken up by increasing privatisation and outsourcing.

Taunton’s Musgrove Park Hospital recently outsourced 400 eye operations to a private health care provider.

The contract was prematurely aborted, after more than half of the 63 completed operations were apparently botched!

Patients complained of ‘hurried surgical operations’ and ‘searing pain’ during the procedures.

One patient was reportedly left blinded!

TUSC says: This outsourcing scandal must be stopped! Kick out the private healthcare vultures.

I am the only local candidate standing for a fully publicly owned and democratically managed NHS.

TUSC also stands for: o decent home-build council housing, rent controls now, scrap the bedroom tax.

o £10/hour minimum wage – end zero hours contracts, for workers’ rights.

o education matters – no to uni fees and academies, bring back EMA.

Contact TUSC at: – – I’m a member of the Socialist Party and since leaving Priorswood Secondary School, I’ve been an active trade unionist and local community activist for nearly 40 years here in Taunton.

I’m for a workers’ MP on a worker’s wage.

I’m standing as a TUSC candidate in the general and local elections (Lyngford ward) because Taunton Deane’s services have been ripped to shreds and the local council and parliamentary ‘opposition’ politicians have done nothing to stop the Con-Dem’s agenda of savage cuts and crushing austerity for the millions.

In Lyngford ward, please consider giving me just one of your three local votes. I am the only consistent anti-cuts, anti-austerity candidate on the ballot paper.

Vote for the only anti-austerity, anti-cuts candidate on the ballot paper.

Vote for no cuts – vote for TUSC – vote for Steve German.

Give one of your three local election votes in Lyngford’s ward to TUSC’s candidate Steve German.