Many older people are in need of additional help in Taunton Deane and West Somerset.

Age Concern Somerset is a registered charity that offers a range of services for older people in Somerset and North Somerset that are delivered almost entirely by volunteers. We exist to promote the well-being of older people and make later life for them a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

Presently Age Concern Somerset offer services such as befriending, toe nail cutting, advocacy, D.I.Y and exercise classes and are looking for new volunteers to help in all of these services across Somerset.

If you are sympathetic to the needs of elderly people and can spare as little as an hour a week then Age Concern Somerset would very much like to hear from you. Volunteers receive full training and all expenses reimbursed.

Please contact Age Concern Somerset Volunteer Co-ordinator, Paul Green Tel: 01823-423497 to find out how you can make a difference to the quality of life of an older person. There is somebody near you now who could do with your help.