
  • Vivary Park events take off

    THE popular Vivary Park summer events season took off on Thursday of last week with entertainment from Circus Minimus. More than 50 spectators were given the chance to try their hand at circus skills such as the diablo, plate spinning and juggling. Young

  • Tricycle ride the length of Britain

    KINGSTON St Mary pensioner Brenda Spencer plans to retrace her tyre treads from 50 years ago by cycling the length of Britain. Widow Mrs Spencer, aged 67, is covering the 890 miles from Land's End to John o'Groats on a tricycle. And she is in no particular

  • Gala dinner to raise smiles

    THE local branch of the Wooden Spoon Society is hoping to stir up a few smiles at its next charity gala dinner. The rugby charity's latest black tie dinner is being held at Wellington School on Wednesday July 3, 7.15 for 8pm. Swallowfield Consumer Products